John R. Young, NHFCU’s CEO, will facilitate a group discussion on Dave Ramsey’s book, Money Makeover. Participants will receive a free copy of the book – but, you must sign up early so you can read and be prepared for group discussion. The group will meet for three consecutive weeks to discuss Dave Ramsey’s principles for a true Money Makeover. Recent reports suggest more than 78% of our nation’s families live paycheck to paycheck. This group discussion has been designed so the participants can work together to find solutions and resolve to improve their finances.
This is a three-part series that will be held on Tuesday, November 5, November 12, and November 19. This class is open to the public.
There is a nominal fee to reserve your seat which will be 100% refunded when you attend the class. Non-attendance will result in the forfeiture of you see reservation fee