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Susan Libby, Assistant Vice President of Lending, Celebrates 35 Years with NHFCU

April 26, 2020 9:55 AM | Michael Guyre

Concord, NH - Susan Libby joined New Hampshire Federal Credit Union (NHFCU) as a loan officer on April 23, 1985, during the heyday of interest rates at or above 10% APR, alongside the sweeping popularity of the use of credit cards in everyday life (NHFCU had introduced them in 1983).

In a few short years, Susan's attention to detail and talents in working with members in sensitive situations led her to a promotion to Collections Manager, where she diligently worked to get members' finances back in order while getting NHFCU repaid.

Susan’s success in the NHFCU collections area and her widening knowledge of lending and compliance led to her appointment to Assistant Vice President of Lending in 1994. In that position, Susan honed her skills further, as she played an important role in the conversion to a new computer system, the development of loan products, along with leadership in collections and compliance.

Susan then broadened her skill set and became NHFCU's Assistant Vice President of Sales & Service Operations, where she oversaw debit and credit cards, ACH, and share draft programs.

Today, Susan holds the position of Assistant Vice President of Lending, overseeing consumer and mortgage loan processing. If you ask her co-workers what makes Susan remarkable, they will tell you it is her ability to recall every member she has worked with. Susan's empathy and her personal touch and concern has directly led to NHFCU's successful, long term relationships with hundreds of members.

In the last several months, Susan worked with the NHFCU lending and loan processing staff to help the credit union deliver an unprecedented amount of new mortgages. Susan and her team worked diligently to make NHFCU members’ dreams a reality.

NHFCU congratulates Susan, for all she does to make a positive difference for members every day!

NH Federal Credit Union (NHFCU) is a $280 million dollar full-service cooperative financial institution with offices in Concord and Lee, NH, including the Centers for Finance & Education where education and coaching are available to the public on topics like debt management, budgeting and retirement planning. To learn more about NHFCU and the Center for Finance & Education, call (603) 224-7731 or visit their website,

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