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  • July 06, 2020 10:49 AM | Michael Guyre
    Concord, NH – Today, the Governor’s Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery (GOFERR), in conjunction with the Department of Revenue Administration (DRA) and New Hampshire Employment Security (NHES), announced the opening of the New Hampshire Self Employed Livelihood Fund (SELF) application period. The New Hampshire SELF program builds off of the success of the Main Street Relief Fund. It is part of the State’s overall strategy to ensure the self-employed, a critical part of the backbone of New Hampshire’s economy, can better tackle the economic challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
    “Self-employed Granite Staters and their businesses are an important part of what makes the 603 such a special place to live, work, and raise a family,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “After reviewing the data from the Main Street Relief Fund, we acted quickly to ensure that self-employed individuals are provided the opportunity to apply for these relief funds, providing further support following our expansion of unemployment benefits in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
    “We were able to utilize the data collected during the Main Street Relief Fund, to create the New Hampshire SELF program,” added Executive Director Jerry Little. “We are confident this approach will ensure it addresses the economic challenges self-employed individuals face due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”
    “Granite Staters seeking to apply, can now do so by visiting our department’s website at until July 17th at 4 PM,” said Commissioner Lindsey Stepp. “Additionally, DRA staff will be available in the call center to answer any questions or assist in filling out the application.”
    For a self-employed business to qualify for a SELF Grant, it must:
    • Be a “self-employed” business;
      • Please note: For purposes of the New Hampshire SELF Program, a “self-employed” business is a business that does not have any employees except owners at any time during the year, including any furloughed, laid-off, or seasonal employees. The business may be a sole proprietorship, partnership, or limited liability company (LLC). If one or more non-owner employees typically work for a business at any time during the year, including any furloughed, laid-off, or seasonal employees, the business is not a “self-employed” business. Independent contractors are not employees; an independent contractor has a “self-employed” business.
    • Be a for-profit business;
    • Have its principal place of business in New Hampshire;
    • Have been in operation for at least one year before July 17, 2020;
    • Anticipate a loss of gross receipts from 2019 to 2020 due to COVID-19;
    • Have total 2019 gross receipts of less than $1,000,000;
    • Not be currently in bankruptcy;
    • Not have permanently ceased operations; and
    • Not have been awarded a Main Street Relief Fund Grant.
    In addition, the following types of “self-employed” businesses are not eligible for grants under the New Hampshire SELF Program:
    • Nonprofits;
    • Franchises or national chains;
    • Famers, growers, or maple producers;
    • Childcare providers;
    • Elementary or secondary schools;
    • Institutions of higher education; and
    • Hospitals or other healthcare providers.
    Note: Additional information about the New Hampshire SELF program can be found here.

  • June 22, 2020 8:08 AM | Michael Guyre

    June 19, 2020 (Manchester, NH) – The New Hampshire Credit Unions recently presented a $125,000 donation to its charitable partner, Make-A-Wish New Hampshire, an organization that grants the wishes of children with critical illnesses. The amount raised marks a 24-year total of more than $3.1 million raised by the state’s 15 credit unions, members of the Cooperative Credit Union Association (CCUA). The New Hampshire Credit Unions remain the largest corporate partner of Make-A-Wish New Hampshire.

    In a time where social distancing and limited in-person gatherings are the norm, the check presentation included participation from credit union CEOs and representatives from the safety of their remote locations as a “virtual” event live streamed to YouTube ( The agenda included via video a congratulatory message from CCUA President/CEO Ronald McLean and highlighted personal moments and memories from New Hampshire Credit Unions.

    Make-A-Wish New Hampshire President/CEO Julie Baron commended the credit unions for their commitment. “We thank the New Hampshire Credit Unions for their passionate leadership and life sustaining contributions to the success of Make-A-Wish New Hampshire and the wish children we serve. The threads of hope they provide are powerful. Each wish they empower transforms the life of everyone who plays a part and gives each child facing a critical illness the tools they need to mount their fight against illness. Hope is powerful medicine. We thank each Credit Union, their staff, and their members for leading with their hearts.

    The donation was a collaborative effort by the New Hampshire Credit Unions through a series of state-wide and local fundraising initiatives. CCUA President/CEO Ronald McLean congratulated the credit unions for their recent effort. “The New Hampshire Credit Unions are deeply rooted in the philosophy of “people helping people” as evident by the donation and $3 million milestone for Make-A-Wish New Hampshire. Together, they have the passion, energy, and collaborative spirit that is necessary to help so many children’s heartfelt dreams come true.” He continued, “The countless smiles, the hope, the strength and the joy that a wish brings for children and their families is the inspiration that drives the New Hampshire Credit Unions to be part of a great cause with a powerful mission.”

    Closing the event featured thank you videos from several Wish Children including Ally, Katelyn, Jack, Padraic, and Hannah. Wish Child Hannah had a special message to the credit unions, “Thank you for your continuous support of Make-A-Wish New Hampshire and because of you, the credit unions, kids like me can have their dreams come true.” Hannah’s wish, granted in 2012, was to meet the Disney Princesses and her favorite part was to just feel like a normal kid and living her life. She ended by saying, “It makes me so happy to know that the credit unions have our backs and will continue to help kids’ dreams come true. Please know it makes a big difference. You’re changing lives.”

    According to New Hampshire Credit Unions’ Social Responsibility Committee Chairman Brian Hughes, “Our committee is a very passionate and collaborative group. Every year we raise the bar so we can help Make-A-Wish New Hampshire achieve their goal to grant a wish for every child in the state with a critical illness. We have witnessed first-hand the power of a wish and I’m proud of the work our New Hampshire Credit Unions do to bring wishes to life.”

    Wishes come true with NH CUs!

    New Hampshire Social Responsibility Committee Chairman Brian Hughes from HRCU in Rochester presents a $125,000 donation on behalf of the New Hampshire Credit Unions to Make-A-Wish New Hampshire President/CEO Julie Baron during a special “virtual” event that was livestreamed on YouTube. The amount raised marks a 24-year total of more than $3.1 Million. The New Hampshire Credit Unions remain the largest corporate partner of Make-A-Wish New Hampshire.

    New Hampshire Social Responsibility Committee Chairman Brian Hughes from HRCU in Rochester presents a $125,000 donation on behalf of the New Hampshire Credit Unions to Make-A-Wish New Hampshire President/CEO Julie Baron during a special “virtual” event that was livestreamed on YouTube. The amount raised marks a 24-year total of more than $3.1 Million. The New Hampshire Credit Unions remain the largest corporate partner of Make-A-Wish New Hampshire.

    Representatives from New Hampshire Credit Unions participate live on screen for “virtual” check presentation made to Make-A-Wish New Hampshire. The donation was a collaborative effort from the credit unions through a series of state-wide and local fundraising initiatives.

    Representatives from New Hampshire Credit Unions participate live on screen for “virtual” check presentation made to Make-A-Wish New Hampshire. The donation was a collaborative effort from the credit unions through a series of state-wide and local fundraising initiatives.

    New Hampshire Social Responsibility Committee Chairman Brian Hughes from HRCU in Rochester presents a $125,000 donation on behalf of the New Hampshire Credit Unions to Make-A-Wish New Hampshire President/CEO Julie Baron as representatives from New Hampshire Credit Unions watch from above online.

    New Hampshire Social Responsibility Committee Chairman Brian Hughes from HRCU in Rochester presents a $125,000 donation on behalf of the New Hampshire Credit Unions to Make-A-Wish New Hampshire President/CEO Julie Baron as representatives from New Hampshire Credit Unions watch from above online.

  • June 11, 2020 10:24 AM | Michael Guyre

    (Concord, NH) New Hampshire Federal Credit Union kicks off Feed the Need Community Challenge for Meals-on-Wheels Services in NH

    Join New Hampshire Federal Credit Union’s Community Challenge to raise dollars for Meals-on-Wheels services to seniors in Merrimack, Belknap and Strafford counties. NHFCU will double down to feed the need by matching people’s contributions.

    The funds being raised will help the Community Action Program Belknap/Merrimack counties and Strafford County Meals-on-Wheels feed the need for meal preparations, delivery and for items needed by these agencies.

    Before COVID-19, seniors living alone visited with friends at a local senior center for hot, nutritious meals and socialization. Those less active received daily visits providing social contact and important safety and nutrition check-ins by qualified meals drivers.

    Since COVID-19, hundreds of seniors have been home alone with little to no human contact, no hot meal deliveries or visits – instead, they’ve been receiving a packet of five meals to last a week. And fear of illness has added to anxiety for many.

    While the climate is uncertain moving forward, it’s certain that seniors’ needs will escalate as we enter the fall and winter months. The Meals-on-Wheels programs are seeing fewer private donations as their key fundraisers have had to be set aside thanks to social distancing requirements. NHFCU has issued a community challenge to ensure these important services continue for senior friends and neighbors. All contributions will feed the need for at-risk seniors in Merrimack, Belknap and Strafford counties and NHFCU is matching dollar for dollar to make an even larger impact.

    NH Federal Credit Union (NHFCU) is a $300 million dollar full-service cooperative financial institution with offices in Concord, and Lee, NH, that also features services like free financial education and one-on-one coaching through its Centers for Finance & Education. Education and coaching services include debt management, retirement planning and budgeting. To learn more about NHFCU and the Centers for Finance & Education, call (603) 224-7731 or visit their website,

  • June 08, 2020 9:03 AM | Michael Guyre

    (Concord, NH) NH Federal Credit Union (NHFCU) held its first virtual annual meeting on Wednesday, June 3, 2020. At 5:15 pm, Chairman James P. Fredyma called our first-ever "virtual" (online) 78th NHFCU Annual Meeting to order.

    After twice postponing our meeting from March due to COVID-19 concerns, Chairman Fredyma spoke poignantly about how COVID-19 has affected our members, staff and communities. He also thanked the NHFCU staff, who have been onsite throughout the pandemic in all NHFCU locations, for their dedication to members during this changing and challenging time.

    Elements of past annual meetings were incorporated during the virtual event, with prize drawings and the opportunity for members to speak directly with NHFCU's leadership. In addition, Meghan Noone, Senior Financial Wellness Coach for NHFCU's Centers for Finance & Education, provided an overview of the free webinars NHFCU's Center is offering in the wake of COVID-19. As she explained to the audience, these webinars offer flexibility for attendees who can attend classes live, online, or simply review the recorded versions of the programs, to help improve their finances. And, NHFCU's Centers continue to provide one-on-one coaching - just via phone or online meetings.

    The following members were elected to serve on the Board for three-year terms: Heather E. Brown, Allan Clark, and George C. Gendron, Jr.

    NH Federal Credit Union (NHFCU) is a $300 million dollar full-service cooperative financial institution with offices in Concord, and Lee, NH, that also features services like free financial education and one-on-one coaching through its Centers for Finance & Education. Education and coaching services include debt management, retirement planning and budgeting. To learn more about NHFCU and the Centers for Finance & Education, call (603) 224-7731 or visit their website,

  • June 05, 2020 9:05 AM | Michael Guyre

    (Concord, NH) - Pamela (Pam) Roy, New Hampshire Federal Credit Union (NHFCU) Vice President, Member Service and Human Resources, earned her Master of Business Administration Degree in May, 2020, from Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU). Pam holds her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Studies from SNHU, which she received in 1999. She also earned her Professional in Human Resources certification in June, 2016.

    Pam joined NHFCU in 2007 as an executive assistant to the President/CEO. At that time, she brought 22 years of prior banking experience to NHFCU, including business expertise from lending, to retail management, to human resources. In December 2016, Pam was appointed Vice President of Member Service and Human Resources. Today, Pam oversees the day to day service to NHFCU members, as well as all aspects of human resources. NHFCU congratulates Pam on her latest achievement.

    NH Federal Credit Union (NHFCU) is a $300 million dollar full-service cooperative financial institution with offices in Concord and Lee, NH, including the Centers for Finance & Education where education and coaching are available to the public on topics like debt management, budgeting

    and retirement planning. To learn more about NHFCU and the Center for Finance & Education, call (603) 224-7731 or visit their website,

  • May 30, 2020 7:40 AM | Michael Guyre

    Chambers of Commerce are membership organizations that advocate on behalf of local businesses. No other organization represents the business community like Chambers. In New Hampshire, there are approximately 50 Chambers of Commerce located throughout the state representing the business community.

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, Chambers have emerged as a vital conduit of communication between state and federal officials and our businesses. Chamber leaders are talking to our governor, state legislators, our congressional delegation and senators, commissioners and many others. We are advocating for the needs of the business community both at the state and federal level on an almost daily basis, bringing your real-time issues, questions and concerns to top officials. We have worked tirelessly to provide the business community with the most current information available and to assist them in navigating Coronavirus funding options, NH Employment Services, COVID-19 guidelines and more.

    Chambers have had to become innovative in presenting our business education programming, and are now using applied technology to host webinars and virtual workshops. Chambers throughout the state have offered a range of topics pertinent to COVID-19 issues featuring legal and other professionals designed to help businesses emerge from this crisis.

    With COVID-19 and social distancing, Chambers have had to re-invent how we provide opportunities for our members to attend networking events. Offering virtual events has boosted morale during times of isolation and allowed our members to maintain important business connections.

    Chambers are also working closely with our business and government partners to secure the safety supplies and personal protection equipment they will need to reopen.

    As we flatten the curve in NH and business sectors start to re-open, Chambers continue to work harder than ever for each business and for the future of our communities. As the “voice” of business on both state and federal levels, Chambers will be crucial during the recovery and over the months and years to come. No one ever predicted our lives would be so quickly impacted by a contagious virus, and Chambers have proven themselves to be a lifeline for our businesses during COVID-19.

    Are you wondering if joining a Chamber of Commerce is worth the investment?

    Wherever are you in the life-cycle of your business (i.e., just starting out, looking to take that next growth leap, or considering a sale of your business), Chambers have programs and solutions for all stages of business.

    Why now is the time to join:

    Now is the time to get connected and build meaningful relationships. Chambers offer a variety of options to do this, including networking events, volunteer opportunities, ribbon cuttings to celebrate our member milestones. Even in times of social distancing and working from home the Chamber offers virtual events to continue the engagement of our members.

    Now is the time to be seen. Chambers are a trusted source and by being listed in our membership directories you can increase your SEO to help customers better find your business.

    Now is the time to promote your business. As a member you can submit your events, job opportunities and business updates to share with the community. Chambers offer different levels of membership and sponsorship opportunities to maximize your visibility.

    Now is the time to advocate. Chambers advocate for your business every day at the local, state and federal levels. We help you navigate issues that you couldn’t do on your own. When you are a member of the chamber you are not alone.

    Now is the time to grow professionally. Chambers offer a variety of business education seminars on topics that are relevant to your business, giving you an advantage in business best practices, marketing, and technology.

    Now is the time to educate. Many Chambers have strong partnerships with local school districts to help in developing tomorrow’s work force through interactive programs and career exploration. Through us, find future employees by offering internships.

    Now is the time to invest in the future. Young professionals are the future of the business community. Through Young Professionals (YP) programs, chambers can foster collective action among young business leaders and entrepreneurs by giving them the tools to mobilize and network.

    Now is the time to join. We invite you to join your local Chamber of Commerce to help your business grow and thrive during the recovery. We think you’ll find that becoming a Chamber member will be one of the best business decisions you’ll ever make.

    For a complete list of NH Chambers of Commerce, visit and click on the NH Chambers button at the top of the homepage.

    Submitted by Wendy Hunt, President, Greater Merrimack-Souhegan Valley Chamber of CommerceBoard Chair of the New Hampshire Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives

  • May 16, 2020 8:32 AM | Michael Guyre

    Rochester, NH: Cornerstone VNA, a nonprofit home health and hospice care provider, is offering a free virtual training beginning in June for individuals interested in becoming a Hospice volunteer. Due to COVID-19 protocol, this virtual training will take the place of the standard in-person training. This comprehensive 8-week virtual Hospice volunteer training program will focus on: the history of Cornerstone VNA, Hospice history and philosophy, the volunteer job description, the Hospice team, medical and psychosocial aspects, family involvement, and spiritual care.

    Once trained, volunteers can offer companionship, respite care and their own unique skills to patients and family members in their community for a little as 2-4 hours per week. No medical or volunteer experience is necessary to make a positive difference and provide comfort, support and a reassuring presence to Hospice patients and their families.

    According to current Cornerstone VNA Hospice Volunteers, “Hospice volunteering has been the most rewarding and humbling experience of my life” and "Hospice visiting has shown me how to be present." Cornerstone VNA invites individuals to be a part of this enriching and meaningful volunteer experience. To register for this training or for more information about the Hospice Volunteer Program, please contact Nancy Nicolazzo, Hospice Volunteer Coordinator at 603-994-7041 or

    Cornerstone VNA is an independent nonprofit organization currently serving Rockingham, Strafford, Belknap and Carroll Counties in New Hampshire and York County in Maine. The team at Cornerstone VNA provides award-winning care and support through five distinct programs: Home Care, Hospice Care, Palliative Care, Life Care-Private Duty and Community Care. For 107 years, Cornerstone VNA has been committed to bringing services to people of all ages so that families can stay together at home, even when facing the challenges of aging, surgical recovery, chronic or life-threatening illnesses or end-of-life care. To learn more about Cornerstone VNA, visit or call 800-691-1133.

  • April 27, 2020 1:10 PM | Michael Guyre

    FCC to award $200 million to eligible healthcare providers to promote remote care

    QUINCY, Mass, April 24, 2020 – Atlantic Broadband, the nation’s eighth-largest cable operator, is making health care providers aware of a new initiative that is designed to help eligible health care providers deliver telehealth services during the COVID-19 outbreak.

    As part of the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act) passed by the U.S. Congress, the Federal Communications Commission’s “COVID-19 Telehealth Program” will provide $200 million in funding to eligible health care providers to enable “the delivery of connected care services to patients at their homes or mobile locations” in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Atlantic Broadband has notified health care providers in its service areas in eleven states and promoted the initiative through its social media channels.

    “Telehealth and telemedicine services have become increasingly important during the COVID-19 outbreak,” said Fran Bradley, Director of Government Affairs for Atlantic Broadband in a letter to health care providers. “Remote care can provide patients with needed medical care while preserving social distancing protocols which help to minimize the spread of the coronavirus.”

    Healthcare providers are encouraged to learn more about the initiative and to apply for funding by visiting the FCC’s website at

    ABOUT ATLANTIC BROADBAND Atlantic Broadband, a subsidiary of Cogeco Communications Inc. (TSX: CCA), is the eighth- largest cable operator in the United States, based on the number of television service customers served. The company provides its residential and business customers with Internet, TV and Phone services in 11 states: Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia. Atlantic Broadband is headquartered in Quincy, Massachusetts. To learn more about Atlantic Broadband, please visit

    ABOUT ATLANTIC BROADBAND BUSINESS Atlantic Broadband Business delivers advanced Video, Internet, Business WiFi and Phone services to small and medium businesses over a highly reliable, fiber-rich, high-capacity network. It also offers customized, scalable Metro Ethernet enterprise solutions, including dedicated fiber with symmetrical speeds up to 10 Gbps, point-point and multipoint transport, and Hosted Voice solutions. Atlantic Broadband supports its business clients with 24/7 network monitoring and technical support, professional client care, and dedicated local account executives. To learn more, visit

    ABB Telehealth Letter 4-24-22.pdf

  • April 26, 2020 9:55 AM | Michael Guyre

    Concord, NH - Susan Libby joined New Hampshire Federal Credit Union (NHFCU) as a loan officer on April 23, 1985, during the heyday of interest rates at or above 10% APR, alongside the sweeping popularity of the use of credit cards in everyday life (NHFCU had introduced them in 1983).

    In a few short years, Susan's attention to detail and talents in working with members in sensitive situations led her to a promotion to Collections Manager, where she diligently worked to get members' finances back in order while getting NHFCU repaid.

    Susan’s success in the NHFCU collections area and her widening knowledge of lending and compliance led to her appointment to Assistant Vice President of Lending in 1994. In that position, Susan honed her skills further, as she played an important role in the conversion to a new computer system, the development of loan products, along with leadership in collections and compliance.

    Susan then broadened her skill set and became NHFCU's Assistant Vice President of Sales & Service Operations, where she oversaw debit and credit cards, ACH, and share draft programs.

    Today, Susan holds the position of Assistant Vice President of Lending, overseeing consumer and mortgage loan processing. If you ask her co-workers what makes Susan remarkable, they will tell you it is her ability to recall every member she has worked with. Susan's empathy and her personal touch and concern has directly led to NHFCU's successful, long term relationships with hundreds of members.

    In the last several months, Susan worked with the NHFCU lending and loan processing staff to help the credit union deliver an unprecedented amount of new mortgages. Susan and her team worked diligently to make NHFCU members’ dreams a reality.

    NHFCU congratulates Susan, for all she does to make a positive difference for members every day!

    NH Federal Credit Union (NHFCU) is a $280 million dollar full-service cooperative financial institution with offices in Concord and Lee, NH, including the Centers for Finance & Education where education and coaching are available to the public on topics like debt management, budgeting and retirement planning. To learn more about NHFCU and the Center for Finance & Education, call (603) 224-7731 or visit their website,

  • April 07, 2020 1:16 PM | Michael Guyre

    The times are certainly unusual as we all navigate our "new normal." We hear daily messaging about how to stay safe and still go about our lives only doing what's necessary with limited social contact. We know your financial wellness is important, and we are here for you - just in a different way. That's why we've implemented an old-school technique to adhere to the social distancing recommendations of the CDC. CU Curbside at 70 Airport Road in Concord, and 71 Calef Highway in Lee, is now in effect -- here's what it looks like! Pictured in his car curbside in Lee is member Bert Allenth, as he meets with Soupy Leuasouvanh.

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The Greater Barrington Chamber of Commerce is an independent non-profit organization. Our funding comes from our members, partner sponsors, and the events and programs we organize. Our mission is to advance the economic and social growth of our members and community 


(603) 905-9166
Address: 748 Calef Highway 
PO Box 363
Barrington, NH 03825

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